Friday, January 6, 2012

"Are you going to abort your pregnancy?"

Ok, yes. We did get a surprise of an expected pregnancy. To some this was an open door for them to ask the question, "Are you going to abort the pregnancy?" When, "no" was the answer some were flabbergasted that I would put my other children through such a "strenuous situation" of introducing yet another child into the family just shy of a year. Others rejoiced that we wouldn't do this to the life that was currently growing inside of my uterus.

My husband and I do NOT believe in abortion. At one point in my life I may have believed that it wasn't the right decision for me but may be for others. Now I believe that it should only be ok under very extreme circumstances such as rape by a family member that results in a pregnancy, please know, this is only my opinion. Most likely the child will be miscarried anyway. For those who need proof, it has been scientifically proven that our female bodies will miscarry a pregnancy when there are large amounts of major genetic defects within the fetus.

I know that most people will not agree with me and that is ok. I truly believe that once conceived the child is meant to be unless God, or nature as some believe, take the reigns and make it other wise. I have attached a link to an article called, "Losing Ground on Women's Rights: In 2011, Sex Ed, Contraception, Abortion Rights All Under Seige". There are two things about this article, first it makes me believe the writer of the article, Elizabeth Nash, is in fact bias and an emotional thinker. Secondly I must consider her points validity considering she did not spell the word siege correctly, which is in her title. If this isn't a rush, or fluff piece and truly important then why was she not carful in portraying herself as knowledgeable and someone that is worth listening to?

The reason I say "trying to make" is because after Ms. Nash's valiant effort at stirring up your emotions in the title she did little to solidify your emotions as a proper response to this subject. Her articles intention should of explain to you how these new political actions are forcing women's rights to loose ground but she only tells you what the government is doing pertaining to these rights. She never actually explains the true importance of these political actions and she does nothing more to get you emotional invested.

I also noticed that Nash included very little in her article pertaining to abstinence education and STDs. I'm wondering if the crusaders for women's rights do not even see abstinence as a choice. There is only one way of making sure that a woman never has to make a decision between birth or abortion,  abstaining from sexual intercourse all together. I can not understand why women right's activist never mention abstinence or adoption as choices women have. If you are abstinent then you wouldn't have to be educated in STDs or go through the tough decision of whether or not to abort the pregnancy. There are people who go to school for a very long time that can speak to you about how reproduction works and the facts about STDs. They are called doctors.

From the beginning parents need to raise their children with the idea of abstinence in mind. Granted things do happen, I am human, I get it and I've made choices in my past where I chose to disregard abstinence. It is my hope my daughters will never consider abortion a choice that they have. It is my hope that I can raise them well to know that they have the right to say no.

With Love, Peace & Respect. Be blessed,