Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!

As 2011 comes to a close I think about everything that has happened and everything that will happen in 2012. I'm not really overwhelmed I just feel extremely blessed with everything. A new, safer apartment, a beautiful child was added to our family, the twins have climbed mountains pertaining to their achievements and we've learned that we have a new family member on the way. We also have a chance of a Las Vegas trip... but we'll see. 

As my husband was homeschooled, and went to a very good university, we have decided to homeschool our little loves. 2012 will be the start of this as the twins have officially hit the preschool age. They are pretty amazing with their letter, numbers, shapes and colors already but now we'll fine tune them while working on language skills. I'm actually very excited for what is in store for these munchkins this year. 

Hopefully this will be the year that Lily will learn to crawl and walk. I have high hopes that my little lady bug will learn to say Mama as her first word, but if she doesn't I won't take it personally. 

My husband and I are both on the same page about squirreling away more money through out the year. He really wants to start working on personal software projects perhaps to score some app sales. That would be fun and certainly help us work on putting money aside. 

Here I am 27 very close to 28 as my birthday is in January and I'm finally getting who I really am. But now learning to live with myself and to learn that all of my traits that have dubbed as bad ones can in fact be used for good and not evil! This is my plan. 

With this said I hope that you all have a wonderful new year that is full of blessings and lots of success. 

With Love, Peace & Respect. Be blessed,

Friday, December 30, 2011

Is that a... FETUS???

So yeah, I have another blog that I write specifically for my weight loss journey, which has been two years in the making... with no weight loss. There is however, good reason for it. Shortly after I started my weight loss plan we decided to have another baby. I figured that I had a lot of work to do after the birth of the twins so why not loose the weight all at once.

It's pretty obvious what happened. We made a baby. Went 9 & 1/2 months with nothing out of the ordinary. Gave birth to a baby. Went home. Great baby too! So much so, we decided to not have anymore kids. A decision we made once little Lillian D. was about 2 & 1/2 months. As much as we love our kids and kids in general, we realized that it would be in the best interest of our family's future to settle in at a four door sedan sized family.

Then I had the dream, the type you get when you're extremely exhausted... for no apparent reason. I had a dream I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. After waking up I did my best to forget about it, but every time I went tinkle in the potty I remembered it as if it actually happened to me. Two days later my controlling Type A personality wouldn't allow me to ignore it anymore.

After drinking what felt like a gallon of water, I told my husband I was going to the store and I would be back in a few. I went to the closest pharmacy and grabbed the cheapest pregnancy test and raced home. I peed on the stick and waited. Well sort of, again I'm a Type A so I actually watched it. The only words that came to my mind were, "Are you sh*ting me?" The line may have been faint but it was there. My husband however was convinced that I was just seeing stuff. I was convinced he didn't want to believe the proof. I was right... again.

So I told him I'd wait a few days and take another. Well I took a total of six tests, two a day, and with each test the line got darker and darker. He finally thought I should go to the doctors to make sure. I went. I peed. I let them take my blood pressure. And then the proof, that I guess we both needed for two different reasons, the confirming ultrasound. There it was. It's little heart fluttering. A fetus.

So I'm a mother of twins who will be 3 on April 1st, a 6 month old and one who is swimming in my uterus. All I have to say is, I'm going to loose my bloody mind and I should order my straight jacket right away. I've received quiet a few tongue lashing from others about having another one so insanely quickly. Surely they have to know that this wasn't planned, not to mention has no effect on their life what so ever.

But let me say this if you feel that I must defend myself in this situation, I shall. You don't think after being told for years that 'you can only get pregnant with medical help.' that a quick romp in the hay would lead to such a life changing event. Even though doctors go to school for years and get paid the big bucks I'm starting to loose some faith in their ability to know what really goes on with the human body.

So That's me in a nut house, eh I mean nutshell. If anything I hope you have gotten to know me better and will be interested in what's to come!

With Love, Peace & Respect. Be blessed,