Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!

As 2011 comes to a close I think about everything that has happened and everything that will happen in 2012. I'm not really overwhelmed I just feel extremely blessed with everything. A new, safer apartment, a beautiful child was added to our family, the twins have climbed mountains pertaining to their achievements and we've learned that we have a new family member on the way. We also have a chance of a Las Vegas trip... but we'll see. 

As my husband was homeschooled, and went to a very good university, we have decided to homeschool our little loves. 2012 will be the start of this as the twins have officially hit the preschool age. They are pretty amazing with their letter, numbers, shapes and colors already but now we'll fine tune them while working on language skills. I'm actually very excited for what is in store for these munchkins this year. 

Hopefully this will be the year that Lily will learn to crawl and walk. I have high hopes that my little lady bug will learn to say Mama as her first word, but if she doesn't I won't take it personally. 

My husband and I are both on the same page about squirreling away more money through out the year. He really wants to start working on personal software projects perhaps to score some app sales. That would be fun and certainly help us work on putting money aside. 

Here I am 27 very close to 28 as my birthday is in January and I'm finally getting who I really am. But now learning to live with myself and to learn that all of my traits that have dubbed as bad ones can in fact be used for good and not evil! This is my plan. 

With this said I hope that you all have a wonderful new year that is full of blessings and lots of success. 

With Love, Peace & Respect. Be blessed,

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