Tuesday, May 8, 2012


So this isn't an original idea. Not by far. But I remember long ago when there were no kids toys, extra towels to be washed or a bath schedule in place I found this ingenious idea of how to keep your family organized. I loved it and I vowed that I would implament as soon as we started a family. Well three going on four years of having this crazy zoo of a family and I have done one thing to make it happen

The ingenious idea... Color Coding. Every family member gets a color therefore making every member completely responsible for their own crap. In our family IF and when I ever get around to doing it, this will be our family's color code:

Dad - Black
Mom - Teal
Ana - Red
Liam - Blue
Lily - Yellow
Carolyn - Purple

Now that the hard part is done I get to go shopping... at somepoint... Maybe that's the hard part... So to organize properly you get each of the following items for each person in their color:

Bins (centeral located to put their junk in through out the day.)
Bed Sheets
Laundry Baskets

That's all I've got.... but I'm sure there is more that can be organized in this manner. What do you think of this idea? Would you use it? What else would you color code?

Well once Carolyn gets here and we get the house unpacked and finally fully moved in... maybe I'll get around to doing this. Is it against some cosmic law to make a mid-year resolution?

With Love, Peace & Respect. Be blessed,

1 comment:

  1. We color code the kids too....red, green and blue. It works wonders!
