So Friday was a treat. Felt like pooh, hubby's car broke and spent all of Friday and Saturday messing around with that finally got it towed back. (Great towing company btw. If you live in the Albany, New York area or are visiting check out Capital District Towing and Transport. Fantastic! They do what they say, when they say and have excellent customer service! Plug done.) Needless to say I got jack diddly squat done. So now I'm pulling an all nighter to get stuff done. Sadly my head is already killing me and I'm not even close to finishing my list of stuff to do. Yeah I know I'm blogging instead of working, sue me. It's quiet.
That's another thing. With the disaster the house is in and the poohiness I've been feeling like lately, due to my own stupidity and the weather, I can't get it done. Hurricane Sandy may have caused destruction on the North East's coast line but my lovies cause destruction in side this house. Not that I mind that much because they are happy, I just wish they would happily pick up their crap too.
Well then off I go to do some more housework... right after checking Facebook.
Peace my homies!
I know it's overwhelming now, but if you haven't already done so, I would implement a picture chore chart for Ana and Liam and maybe Lillian....simple things so that they can get the concept down. And what we did was have a sticker chart and a treasure box. If you got so many stickers by the end of the week, you got to pick from the treasure box. And yes, it may seem cruel if one child doesn't get a prize at weeks end, but they will catch on, and start participating. Nowadays, we don't reward them, we just take away cell phones, gaming systems and girlfriend was so much sweeter when it was just the treasure